Monday, September 14, 2020

Happy 22nd Foundation Day Aasra


#Happy22ndFoundationDayAasra (13thSept1998-2020 and many more to come )Helping the depressed and suicidal cope with LIFE
10THSEPTEMBER2020 "Working together to prevent suicide"

Monday, March 30, 2020

#AasraSuicidePreventionWorkshop@#RedHatPune Oct2019

Aasra Director & Chief Trainer conducted a Workshop for Red Hat employees on the topic of #SuicidePrevention on the occasion of #WorldMntalHealthMonth

#Aasradotinfo #RashmiPratap

#AasraDotInfo #WorldSuicidePreventionWeekSept2019 #aasraSuicidePrevention24x7Helpline912227546669 #BefriendersWorldwide #SamaritansUK #IASP #UN #WHO #AFSP #INFOTES #LifelineInternational #Google #Facebook #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessWeek #WorldMentalHealthAndWellnessAwarenessMonth #aasradotinfo "Problems cannot be solved with the mindset that created them" Albert Einstein